
I want to thank you to your clinic's doctors expecially i owe to Prof. R. Kissinger who took care of my condition in person when i was there.   I went from 5'5 to 6'0.
Will you still sell growth boom pro  next year ? A Doctor says that because of high manufacturing costs and low profits  you may stop selling it on 2020 or earlier, is it true or some  drug companies force you to shut down ?  This is the only product on the world that actually works. Please keep it up.

Boris Repin
Moskow / Russia
Age: 32

Hi ,

I always hated being a dwarf - no, not a literal dwarf like what you find in Lord of the Rings, but still a minuscule dwarf nonetheless.  When Game of Thrones came out, I was enough of a midget that I quickly became known as Tyrion Lannister amongst my friends, and while that may sound funny, it really isn’t.  It’s awful.  Being small might even be considered cute for a girl, but let me tell you that for a guy it really sucks.  I missed out on being on my high school football team because of it, got carded for cigarettes even when I was 29, and girls never dated me because while times are changing ladies still won’t date a guy who barely comes to their shoulders (no wonder Tyrion preferred ladies of the night).  Yeah, true, I could have become a jockey in the Kentucky Derby, but that’s really not my thing.  Being a guy who didn’t even cross five feet tall isn’t just annoying, it’s humiliating.

Needless to say, I was desperate for a solution and tried searching for any way out of this that I could.  Medieval stretching racks aside, I looked up just about everything that I could think of.  And eventually I got to know about Growth Boom MAXPLUS.  Yeah, it sounded too good to be true, and I admit that I didn’t order it right away after considering all of the times that supposed solutions didn’t work.  But then I did.  And it worked.  Yeah, I’m still never gonna be anywhere near tall enough to play in the NBA, but I’m a bit old for that now anyway.  Even though I’m in my 30s, it actually made me grow. Like several inches.  It’s awesome, actually. It’s like Miracle Gro for people, even for adults who have long since stopped growing.  I was kind of taken aback at the fact that I was actually growing, and can’t really describe that combination of amazement, surprise, and confusion at exactly what the feeling was.  Simply put, I’m ecstatic over the fact that there’s a product like Growth Boom out there, and also that it really is effective.

I never imagined how much more respect that I’d get over being just a few inches taller.  I’m well over 5’ now, and while I’m still short for a guy people have stopped treating me as a joke.  Yup, it’s true - short men just don’t get taken seriously, and while I wish that weren’t true it still is.  It’s amazing how much more confident that I have become these days, something which I never realised how much it affected me until I could appreciate the difference.  I’m definitely glad that I tried Growth Boom, and I’m gonna stick with the regimen until I reach my limit (they say it’s 8”, but I’m curious just how far I can stretch it).  So if you’re a midget like I was, why don’t you give this a try?  Yeah, it sounds crazy. But it works.

David Lewis
Kentucky / USA
Age : 33


Dude, this product is like the best thing ever.  Yeah, it’s supposed to be for short people, but I still wanted to give it a try so I can make the basketball team next year. I was 6’1” before starting, so it’s definitely true that I was well-endowed and didn’t actually need to grow. But I’m 6’4” now, and let me tell you how awesome it is to be able to literally tower over everyone I know (and the view is great from up here too). I never knew what it was like to be short, but what I can say is that Growth Boom Pro really worked. And nobody screws with me.  Hell, I can’t even get caught in a fight because everyone just looks up at me and runs away.  I think that’s totally awesome, and also really convenient.

I only stopped growing about a year before starting on Growth Boom Pro, so the feeling of growing pains was still familiar from recent memory, and I’m happy to say that after a couple of months of taking the supplement, I started to feel those once again.  It was definitely a welcome feeling to have back, and it’s awesome when there’s that moment that you realize that the money and hope that you’ve invested in this product actually starts paying off.  Yeah, I’m fairly active, follow a high-protein diet, and never had trouble sleeping, so it’s definitely true that I have already been doing many of the other things that contribute to growth.  But I have to say that this Growth Boom Pro does help to jump-start the process if it’s stalled for you.  So don’t hesitate to give it a try, whether it’s because you’ve been short all your life, or if you’re like me and just want to grow a bit more even if you don’t really need to.  I’m actually wondering if there’s any real limit as to how much growth that you’ll be able to see, but it was about three inches in seven months.  That’s not bad, at any rate.  I mean if you think about when you were a kid, this is actually pretty dang quick.  I’m certainly thrilled with the stuff, and I’m also very happy with the energy boost that it’s given me along with the few additional inches.
I have to warn you guys about one thing though - be prepared to buy new pants, because unless you wanna be walking around in high waters, it’s gonna make you look like an idiot in your inadequate inseams.  Yeah, you ladies might be fine with a few more pairs of capris in your wardrobe, but it looks retarded on a guy.  Anyway, my mom went and bought me a bunch of new pants that are actually long enough now, so it’s cool. But you should keep that in mind.  I never realised how annoying doorways are either.  And I can’t fit on my dorm bed anymore.  I’m still ecstatic over how well Growth Boom pro works.

Aang Lee


The fact that my husband was a full three inches shorter than I was never really bothered me at all - I figured that so long as he loves me and looks nice, that should be enough as long as we got along. But then society is pretty demanding, and I guess he internalized the idea that he was somehow inadequate if he were the shorter one.  I didn’t buy that, but there was nothing that I could say or do that would change his mind.  He hated those times when I wore heels, and used to buy shoes with extra-thick soles - several pairs of clogs as well as normal shoes with thicker-than-usual soles in order to elevate himself.  At the end of the day, I think he’s felt like he’s been too short his entire life, and me being taller wasn’t really an affront to his masculinity so much as a reminder of the fact that he has always been kind of short for a guy.  It put undue stress on our relationship, and I would be lying if I said that it didn’t bring it to the cusp of the breaking point.  I got sick of his regular plaints about not being enough, even if I wasn’t convinced of them.  I, after all, am a perfectly reasonable 5’7”, and I’ve never really known what it’s like to not be of an average height.  It’s something that I could sympathize with up to a point, but I personally cannot say that I could relate to the feeling of being too short.

I’m not exactly sure how I ran across Growth Boom Pro, but I was a bit skeptical at first, and anyway didn’t know how the hubby would take it - he might be happy at the potential solution, skeptical as well, or even treat me as though I were mocking his laments about being vertically insufficient. Anyway, it was after hearing him complain about his (lack of) height for over two hours straight yet again that I finally decided to order the product and at least attempt to put an end to his miseries.  So I did.  And of course he was skeptical at first, but I convinced him to keep taking Growth Bom Pro until he started seeing results - some time within a few months.  And then of course he didn’t need my reassurance, as the effectiveness was pretty self-evident.  I think it’s been about a year now, and last time we checked, my husband and I were the exact same height.  I don’t know if our marriage was ever in any real danger before, but I can definitely say that I’m glad that his rants about being too short have finally come to an end.  He no longer keeps me up until 3 AM cribbing about how he feels so inadequate, and I think the fact that he’s still continuing to use Growth Boom Pro (and still seeing results) is only adding to his confidence.

Joseph H. 37 Years Old from US
Article from Joseph's wife Rose H. Age 34 Years old.

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